Stay Cool with Your Dog This Summer: Our Top Safety Tips!

There’s so much to do in the summer and fun to be had, whether you’re human or a four-legged friend! Unfortunately, many dog owners refuse to allow their pets to join in the fun due to concerns about the severe heat and other factors. Luckily, there’s good news! If you follow these basic recommendations for keeping dogs cool and safe, your four-legged buddy will be able to enjoy the great outdoors.
Keep Your Dog Hydrated at All Times
To keep your dog cool throughout the heat, ensure you have enough water. Carrying a portable, collapsible water dish and bottles of cold water is one of the easiest methods to keep your dog cool and hydrated. Make sure your dog gets enough water every hour or so. Get him into the shade and give him additional water immediately if he starts panting excessively.
Place various water sources throughout the house so your dog can access fresh water at all times. Place a dish of cold water or a dispenser in the area where they spend most of their time. Use chicken broth or bouillon cubes to coax your dog to take a few licks if they have problems drinking water. To avoid your dog consuming too much salt, always select the low sodium kind. You may perform some things to see if your dog is well hydrated. Check the skin on the back of their neck for elasticity. You may also examine the color of their gums.
Let Your Dog Get Some Swim Time In
Allowing your dog to swim or engage in other water play activities is one method to keep him cool during outdoor parties. Always check ahead to see what water alternatives are available for your dog at the gathering location. It’s also a good idea to carry some old towels to dry your dog when he’s finished playing.
Take Your Pup Inside Around Noon
On hotter days, avoid exercising with your dog; if you must, do it during the daytime or whenever it seems too hot for you. Avoid scorching asphalt that can burn your dog’s paws, keep running to a minimum, and pack lots of cold water to keep your dog cool while walking.
NEVER Keep Your Pup In a Hot Car
With all the horrible incidents in the news, it should go without saying that you should never leave your dog in a parked car, even for a second. When it’s 80 degrees F to 100 degrees F outdoors, cars parked in full sunshine can achieve temperatures of 131 degrees F to 172 degrees F. Temperatures increase swiftly, even with the windows cracked — hot enough to inflict irreparable organ damage or death.
If you must leave your dog for an extended period, ensure the ignition is turned on and the air conditioner is turned on. You should also post a sign on the window informing passersby that your dog is safe and secure while you are away. When in doubt, it’s always better to take your dog with you instead of leaving them in the car. Check ahead of time to discover whether your destination welcomes canine companions.

Bring Your Dog Inside Instead of Keeping Them in Their Dog House
In hot weather, dog homes are dangerous because they obstruct air movement and trap heat. If your pet is outside, keep them in the shade as much as possible and provide lots of water. If it’s scorching outside, you may put ice in their water dish to help keep your dog cool.
Alternatively, you can make the dog house a great, cool place for your dogs. Make sure they have a consistent source of shade and fresh water in the doghouse. Replace the water many times a day if required, and chill it down with ice or chicken broth to keep them hydrated. You may add a fan or similar cooling device to the dog home if you want to take it to the next level. Even as the temperatures rise, your dog will always have a source of comfort.
Know the Signs of Heatstroke or Heat Exhaustion in Dogs
On hot days, heatstroke is a significant threat to dogs, especially those young, old, or in poor health condition. Excessive panting and salivation, evident pain, vomiting and diarrhea, disorientation, and seizures are all symptoms of heatstroke in your dog. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, immediately place them in a cooler location and contact your veterinarian. You can use ice packs and cool water to help your pet feel better until you can go to the veterinarian’s clinic.
Many of the symptoms of heatstroke do not manifest for many days after the incident, but quick veterinary treatment may be able to prevent or treat some of them.
Use Paw Protection When Going Out
When you wear shoes, the scorching sidewalk or asphalt may feel wonderful beneath your feet, but remember that your dog does not have the same protection. It is critical for dog safety that their paws do not come into prolonged contact with heated temperatures. Simply avoiding letting your dog out during the warmest portions of the day is an excellent approach. It is reasonable to conclude that if the temperature outside is over 85 degrees F, it is too hot for a dog to walk on without protection.
If you must take your dog out during the day, try to stay in grassy or shaded locations. Carry your dog across hot spots to keep their bare feet from coming into touch.
How was our list of summertime safety tips for dogs? We want to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Hounds Town USA is a dog daycare franchise that offers a wide range of doggie daycare opportunities for experienced and inexperienced business owners. Our doggie franchise for sale focuses on a more holistic approach to dog boarding and letting dogs simply be dogs. If you’re interested in owning a doggy daycare franchise, contact our corporate team today.