Let’s Talk About Sustainability in the Pet Care Industry!

According to GlobeScan’s Healthy and Sustainable Living research, the majority of consumers (about 74%) agree that cutting back on consumption is necessary to protect the environment for coming generations. In addition, the study discovered that 73% of customers claimed they wanted to lessen the environmental effect that they individually make.

More people are looking for businesses and goods that are environmentally conscious and sustainable as they adopt these ideas. Consumers in the United States prefer businesses that are actively lowering their environmental effect, according to research and consultancy company Forrester, and they are ready to pay more for sustainable goods.

In the GlobeScan study, the majority of customers (57%) indicated that they would be ready to pay extra for sustainable items. According to NielsenIQ, a worldwide measurement and data analytics business, the U.S. sustainability sector is anticipated to generate $150 billion in sales this year.

In this guide, we’ll explore how the pet care industry is gravitating toward sustainable products – and how your Hounds Town dog daycare location can include sustainability as part of your business model.

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The Statistics

Packaging is starting to place more emphasis on sustainability. However, the industry’s explosive development in packaging waste production has been noted as a significant problem in the pet care sector. When it comes to packaging unit sales, the FMCG sector for pet food is by far rising at the quickest rate. This trend is being fueled by both general industry expansion and a move toward smaller pack sizes.

Globally, recycling pet food packaging is likewise getting more and more challenging. Pet care packaging is becoming less sustainable as the trend toward pet humanization fuels demand for plastic pouches and containers that cannot be recycled while losing market share to more widely recyclable packaging materials like metal or paper.

While over half of all pet owners worldwide reported using more environmentally friendly packaging options in 2021, and were more inclined to do so than non-owners in this regard, more sustainable pet care packaging does offer significant development potential despite these existing trends.

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How to Use Your Hounds Town USA Franchise Location to Become More Sustainable

Sustainability is not always a top focus in the pet care sector. The majority of pet care companies believe that customers only care about quality. But there are a lot of reasons why sustainability ought to be a top concern. Sustainability may have a big influence on firms in the pet care sector, from lowering environmental impact to generating cost savings.

There are several things you can do as a Hounds Town USA Franchise Owner to invest in sustainability for your company.

Spend some time and get some instruction on recycling. Recycling materials is one of the simplest methods to improve the sustainability of your company. Setting up a recycling program for your company or using recycled products wherever feasible are two ways to do this. When feasible, you may also recycle items; for example, you can utilize shipping boxes as storage.

As we have established, the pet care business is primarily focusing its sustainable efforts on packaging. It’s crucial to think about environmentally friendly packaging solutions because packing may have a major influence on the environment. Sustainable packaging is created with renewable resources and is intended to be biodegradable or recyclable. When choosing the best solution for your company from the various sustainable packaging options available, be sure to balance your options.

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Why is Sustainability Important in the Pet Care Industry?

For a variety of reasons, sustainability is important. First of all, it may significantly affect the environment. It’s crucial to minimize the environmental impact of the pet care sector as much as possible. Fortunately, companies can help sustainability by using a variety of sustainable practices. Utilizing recycled materials, utilizing less energy, cutting waste, and other measures can help you do this.

Businesses can also save money by becoming sustainable. Businesses may cut their energy costs, for instance, by consuming less energy. Additionally, businesses may avoid spending money on new materials by recycling their old ones. Brands that provide pet care services may improve their reputation by embracing sustainability. Customers are more inclined to pick sustainable businesses as a result of their growing interest in social and environmental concerns. As a result, your company will have a positive environmental effect while also attracting eco-aware customers by using sustainable business methods.

Keep in mind that more customers are now consciously choosing to adopt sustainable living. With regard to their pet’s demands, they are now more selective about their daily routines, including how they buy and which businesses they support. So, start looking into strategies that can make your business more sustainable if you want to keep ahead of the curve and make sure you’re meeting the wants of today’s consumers.

Simply said, sustainability is significant because it is morally appropriate. Our world has to be taken care of so that it is safe for coming generations. More customers, especially pet owners, hope that businesses will embrace sustainability in the years to come. The pet care sector has a unique chance to lead the way in this area.

Next, you can obtain ISO 14001 certification. An worldwide standard for environmental management systems is ISO 14001. It aids companies in recognizing and minimizing their environmental effect, which can enhance sustainability performance. Getting an environmental management certificate will assist your company in making the required changes to become more sustainable.

You might make an effort to lower your facility’s energy use. Lighting and appliances should only be turned off when not in use. Utilizing energy-efficient appliances and switching to LED lights are two further examples. Another option to think about is renewable energy. Renewable energy is produced from renewable resources like solar and wind energy. It is possible to assist the growth of renewable energy sources and lower greenhouse gas emissions by making renewable energy purchases.


Do you want to be part of an industry that’s becoming increasingly planet-friendly? Check out our franchise website to learn more!